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Saved by Jada
on April 24, 2012 at 7:39:49 pm

Paris, France!


If I could go anywhere it would be Paris. I would like to go there because I want to see for myself if it is true that they don't bathe.The reason is because my grandpa said that they stink because they don't bathe. Another reason I want to lean if they don't bathe is because then I could warn any of my friends if they want to go there to say that they really stink so be ready. Also I want to go there to eat at their restaurants. I want to eat at their restaurants because I want to taste Parisian food to maybe bring it back to the Americas. I want to shop at their stores and get Parisian cloths. Another reason I want to go to their stores is to show my friends and family my cloths that I got, also to make memories. I want to see the Eiffel Tower. The reason is because I want to see if I can climb the Eiffel Tower. Also I want to go under and see it from under.Lastly I want to see what it looks like in person. Those are the reason's why I want to go to Paris, France. Bye!










Hollywood, California!


One place I would like to go is Hollywood. The reason is because I want to see Hollywood Walk of Fame. The reason I want to go to the Hollywood Walk of Fame is to see what people are on there. Another reason I want to see the Hollywood Walk of Fame is because I want to see If I can meet anybody there that is famous and maybe take a picture with them. Also I want to go there to meet Mindless Behavior. The reason is because I LOVE THEM! I want to meet them so bad. The last reason I want to meet MB is because I LOVE PRINCETON. In addition I want to see the Hollywood Sign. The reason is because I want to take a picture in front of it. Also I want to be the only one of my friends or family that have took a picture in front of it. Lastly is because I want to see if it is really pretty in person. That is what I want to do in Hollywood, California. Bye!








The Great Wall of China


The Great Wall of China is where I want to go. I want to go there to see why it is such a big deal to go there. The reason is because I was wondering why. Also because I really want to know. Another reason I want to see why it is such a big deal is maybe I could explain it to family or friends. Also because I am annoyed not knowing. In addition I also want to go there just to see the wall. The reason is because it seems cool enough to go. Also to see the crack in the wall because I think it is cool. Also because every time a person goes they always brag about how it is SO awesome. Lastly to see the people's names that are on the wall. That is why I want to see The Great Wall of China! Bye!





Hawaii, USA


If I could go anywhere it would be Hawaii. The reason i want to go to Hawaii is because I want to see the sunset in person. The reason I want to see the sunset in person is because I've see it in pictures but I want to see if it is really actually pretty. Also because I want to live in a beach house next to the ocean. The reason I want to live in a beach house next to the ocean is because at night I want to see the beautiful waves at night. Another reason I want to go to Hawaii is because my grandpa went there and said it was nice and he wanted to go again. In my head that means it was nice so that is another reason why I want to go.That is why I want to go to Hawaii. Bye!






London, Europe


I want to go to London. The reason I want to go there is to get on The London Eye. The reason I want to get on The London Eye is because I want to go high in the sky and see the stars. Also because I think I will be the first in my family to ever get on The London Eye. Also I want to go there because I want to learn what kind of food they eat. I want to learn what kind of food they eat because maybe I could bring it to the USA. Also I want to see what kind of food they eat is because to see if it taste bad just incase my family wants to know or they might go there.Those are the reasons why I want to go to London. Bye!





Niagara Falls


One place I would like to go is Niagara Falls. The reason I would like to go to Niagara Falls is because I want to see the beautiful waterfall. Another reason I would like to see the waterfall is because I think I am the only one of my friends that hasn't gone, so I really want to go. Also I want to go to Niagara Falls is because I want to get memories. The reason I want memories is because I can bring them back and when I get older I will remember the first time I went to Niagara Falls. Another reason why I want to bring back memories is because I may share them with friends and family. In addition I want to go to Niagara Falls is because I just want to go there and enjoy the view so I won't say when I get old I always wanted to go to Niagara Falls. Also I want to do it because I just don't want that to be in the "WHAT IF" list. That is why I want to go to Niagara Falls. Bye!








I would like to go to Mexico. The reason I would like to go to Mexico is because I want to go to one or more of their festivals. The reason I would want to go to one of their festivals is because they seem fun and cool. Also because they seem like they would be fun to BE in. Another reason why I want to go to Mexico is to buy some clothes there. The reason I would like some clothes from there is because I would like to bring them back to the USA and see what the people think of their clothes. Also because I just want to see what they wear there. Lastly I would like to bring back some memories. Also I would like to go there because I want to learn their language. I want to learn their language because just incase I run into a mexican I can understand what they are saying. Also because just incase I am taking an order in mexico they might not know a word I am saying because it is not in spanish. That is why I want to go to Mexico. Bye!





If I could go anywhere it would be China. The reason I would like to go to China is because I want to see why people say their economy is bad. One of the reasons why I want to know that is because I want to see if we could help. Also because maybe I could get people in China to maybe have strike that they need to have a better economy. Another reason why I want to go to China is to celebrate their festivals. The reason I want to celebrate their festivals is because they seem fun. Also because they seem festive. Lastly is because they are different from American festivals/celebrations. In addition I want to go to China to learn how to write in Chinese. The reason why I want to learn in how to write in Chinese is because I could read Chinese. Also just incase I need to write back in Chinese in a letter. That is why I want to go to China. Bye!


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